Thursday, November 1, 2007
12 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch and Learn:
Technology, Community, Opportunity: Digital Storytelling Comes of Age
Michael Caporale with Louisville Community Media Practitioners
Adena Center for Sustainability and Communications
1031 Zorn Ave, #200, Louisville, KY, USA 40207
Zorn at River Road, I 71 exit 2, Galen Building behind BP
502 896 1835
Free and open to the public -- Donations Welcome.
In this Lunch and Learn Seminar, world class cinematographer Michael Caporale joins local community media producers to discuss the opportunities for community media based in the newest digital video technologies. In this workshop, Caporale explains features and uses of cutting edge, affordable digital technology for community media centers, stations, networks and producers.
This is the first presentation of the Community Communications program for Louisville area community media producers and citizen journalists. To learn more, and to enroll, go to:
Now that broadcast and film quality video is available and affordable for almost any producer, what sort of mix of technology and vision is driving new community media services and businesses ?
Where are the new opportunities and challenges for documentarians, community journalists, independent film producers, tv stations, corporate technology and communications leaders and commercial media providers?
How can community journalists and independent filmmakers take advantage of cross-platform opportunities to produce for film, video, radio, print and web simultaneously?
Join us for an afternoon of good food and conversation as we explore the new world of community and global media technology.
You'll have a chance to get checked out on the basics of community media production, and to enroll as a producer with the OpenJournalism Project of the Community Communications Working Group and the Brick House Open Media Center.
This workshop qualifies for continuing education credits towards the Certification in Community Communications through Adena Center.
About the presenter:
Michael Caporale
24P Digital Cinema
Michael Caporale, renowned cinematographer, has been on the cutting-edge of motion picture technology.
He is the founder of Caporale Studios and 24P Digital Cinema, which produces national and regional television commercials, audio and post production, photography, documentaries, and web design.
As early as 1989, as cofounder of "Finis" Caporale was one of the original seven Avid editing system beta test sites. Today he is a consultant to Panasonic Broadcast. His work for them has included coverage of the world's most extreme sports event, the two-week long Iditarod Dog Sled Race from Anchorage to Nome, and for three years he was a VariCam instructor for HD Expo. As part of the HD Expo team he trained National Geographic on their VariCams at their Washington headquarters. Now, through 24P Digital Cinema, he trains corporate clients such as the Mayo Clinic.
Recently, working alongside Katsuyuki Taguchi, who headed the design team for VariCam, he was chosen as the DIT by Panasonic in Auckland, New Zealand to prepare their Varicam for a shootout with Sony’s CineAlta for the Screen Director’s Guild of New Zealand.
Michael Caporale was the first Director of Photography to embrace the VariCam in feature film production shooting :"Tattered Angel" in August and September of 2001. Feature films he has been director of photography on include: "Tattered Angel", " Bill Monroe, Father of Bluegrass", "Los Duros", "Ball of Wax" , and "That's How You Look To Me", shot in Louisville under the working title "Sweet William".
He has been the subject of numerous articles on digital production in magazines such as “DV Magazine”, “Digital Cinema”, “American Cinematographer”, “TV Technology”, “HD.Org.” Caporale writes for “Broadcast Engineering” and is a columnist and editor for “Film Festival Reporter.”
With over thirty years experience as a commercial photographer and film-maker to draw from, Michael bridges both worlds in his explanation of the new technology and effortlessly defines the path for those who to desire to investigate the coming changes.
More Information: or
Digital Storytelling Comes of Age: Lunch and Learn with Michael Caporale
Do-It-Yourself Radio:
WXBH-FM 92.7
Louisville's Community Radio Station
Brick House Open Media Center
Community Communications Training:
Do-It-Yourself Radio:
Hands On Trainings in November, 2007: Wednesdays, 6 - 8 PM (Except Thanksgiving Eve 11/21/07) at the Brick House, 1103 S. 2nd St.,. Louisville, KY at the Corner of 2nd and St. Catherine Streets.
This course qualifies for Community Communication Certification CEU credit through The Adena Center.
RSVP to if you would like to attend this introductory course.
Online tutorials and software downloads from WXBH-FM!
If you'd like to produce a show on Louisville's Community Radio station, go to Get Involved to learn more!
To make a quality show:
Download Audacity Software for free, click here
To learn the software through the written tutorials, click here
To learn to download and install Audacity software through online video tutorials, click here
To learn to use Audacity software for editing through online video tutorials, click here for video 1,
video 2,
and video 3
WXBH is uploading all programming to the transmitter and antennae location in Fern Creek using
WXBH 92.7 FM:
Community Communications Training: or